No political
blah blah.
Our focus
We are a pragmatic public interest group and not a political party! We do not use big words or strive for great ideals, we are engaged citizens looking around and talking with the people in our neighborhood.
We want to bring practical solutions to the SDC, to make Osdorp, de Aker, Nieuw Sloten, Sloten, Slotervaart, Geuzenveld en Slotermeer a nicer place to live in, every day!
Our key targets:
1: a safe neighbourhood
There is too much nuisance due to crime and loitering in our communities, affecting the quality of life. We want to offer young people a good alternative and will continue to plead for tackling crime.
2: a clean neighbourhood
There is too much litter on our streets because people put out their (bulky) waste on the wrong days. We want to make sure that our streets will be cleaned more often and create awareness amongst young people.
3: a mobile neighbourhood
We want to make sure that local residents can easily move from A to B. This starts with intricate public transport. But we also want the roads to stay accessible, starting with good access routes, so motorists will not be using the small streets in the residential areas. Both pedestrians and cyclists must be able to move around safely as well. We strive for separate cycle and walking paths along the few dangerous roads that are left.
4: a habitable neighbourhood
We plead for restoring the old neighbourhoods, everybody has the right to a nice home. We are in favour of attracting new inhabitants but want to keep room for the current people at the same time, looking for a good mixture of people! We understand that houses are rented out, but it cannot be the aim that entire streets are bought out and divided into small units of single rooms.
5: a pleasant neighbourhood
Maybe our most important goal: we want more conviviality in Nieuw West. The communities are not everywhere cohesive, we could do with more neighbourhood activities. We think this is very important in order to preserve the middle class, we do not want just old urban districts or fancy villa’s but a mixture of families, youth, grandparents etc. We all want to be proud of Nieuw West!
Who are we?
Community interest group GoedBeterWest! Is spontaneous cooperation of neighbors, started in 2020. We have a small core of about 7 people, surrounded by a rotating group of volunteers of app 15 people.
One of the members of the core group Piet Boon has made himself availablefor a seat in the SDC. With his family, he lives in our community. In the past 2 years, he has enlisted for several political issues during which period he extensively came into contact with both the SDC and the city council.